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Catálogo de Válvulas KITZ en México

Es muy amplia la gama de válvulas que ofrecemos, entre los tipos más comunes están las de compuerta, macho, bola, globo, válvulas de relevo de presión, los materiales de fabricación van desde los más comunes hasta aleaciones especiales resistentes a productos químicos agresivo y durezas resistentes a elementos altamente abrasivos, cubrimos todos los rangos de presión de operación y diámetros comerciales.


This catalog contains main products within a wide variety of valves that we produce. Classified according to materials and valve types.

CE Marked Products

We have been properly approved and authorized by a notified body to provide customers within EU countries with valve products conforming to all PED requirements.

Commercial Valves

Bronze, Brass and Cast Iron Valves,
Butterfly Valves, DRV


Cast Carbon Steel Valves, Stainless Steel Valves.

PN Rating Valves

Bronze & Brass Valves, Cast Iron Valves, Butterfly Valves.

Bronze&Brass Valves

KITZ bronze/brass valves are all designed by the state-of-the-art computers, built by automation and inspected by the people who care the quality.

Cast Iron Valves

Class100/125, JIS 5K/10K
Gate, Globe, Check ,Strainer and Ball valves.
KITZ Iron Valves are widely used in building piping systems, water treatment plants and industrial facilities.

Ductile Iron Valves

ASME Class 150/300, JIS 10K/16K/20K
KITZ ductile iron valves are made of JIS FCD-S or ASTM A395 ductile iron.

Stainless and High Alloy Steel Valves

ASME Class 150/300/600/900/1500, JIS 5K/10K/20K, Gate, Globe and Check Valves. As one of the world's largest stainless steel valve manufacturers.

Cast Carbon Steel Valves

ASME Class 150/300/600/900/1500/2500 Gate, Globe and Check Valves, Bolted Bonnet Design. KITZ's low emission service valves offered in hydrocarbon and chemical industries a realistic and timely solution.

Special Alloy Steel Valves

KITZ covers all phases of valve manufacturing including its reputed in-house steel foundry operation for Japan's largest production of stainless and high alloy steel castings.

Ball Valves

We produce a wide variety of Ball Valves.
Flanged Floating Ball Valves, Flanged High Performance Ball Valves, Flanged Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves, Threaded or Welded Ball Valves, Threaded or Solder Ball Valves.

Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve

KITZ has renewed API 6D / ISO 14313 soft and metal seated trunnion mounted ball valves.
The valves are suitable for Oil & Gas Pipeline Transportation, Petro Chemical, Chemical, Power Generation, Water Treatment, Mining and Fertilization.

Butterfly Valves

We produce various types of butterfly valve, which bear wide range of any situation, condition and application.

XJ Series Butterfly Valves

Aluminum butterfly valves. ASME Class 150, PN16, JIS10K.
Wide range of service applications : Austenitic stainless steel disc and EPDM rubber seats can handle many different kinds of line fluid without concern of corrosion.

EJ Series Butterfly Valves

3 type of seat material. ASME Class150, PN6/10/16.
VMQ(Silicone rubber), W-NBR(White NBR), and FKM(Fluoro rubber), W-NBR and VMQ meet the requirement of FDA.

Actuator Driven Compact Ball Valves

Convenient size range from 1/4 though 2. Bronze and stainless steel threaded ball valves.Full bore/Long-neck/3-way

EX Series Electric Actuators

KITZ original electric actuators for ball and butterfly valves. The adoptions of common parts and part modularization have enabled flexible modification, which will widen the applications of the actuator.

B/F Series Pneumatic Actuators

KITZ original designed pneumatic actuator for ball and butterfly valves.
We have two types of actuator with various options that correspond to a variety of specifications.

Low Temperature and Cryogenic Valves

KITZ low temperature and cryogenic valves are used in LNG terminal,LNG production plants,Ethylene plant and Industrial low-temperature gas.


Para la Industrial Petrolera y en apego a requisitos de la normatividad nacional e internacional, hemos suministrado válvulas de aleaciones especiales como bronce-aluminio en aplicaciones para el manejo de agua congénita asociada a la extracción de gas natural en baja y alta presión. Los internos de las válvulas van de aceros al carbón, aceros inoxidables, cobalto-cromo (Stellite) entre otros.

Las válvulas que ofrecemos son para operación manual o con actuador para operación automática, los actuadores vienen para operarse con motor eléctrico o pistones neumáticos.

Distribuidor autorizado en el Bajío de las válvulas KITZ

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